Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Day 1 - Cairo - Dust and Laundry

I finally managed to start my Egypt photoblog tonight. It's not going to be very detailed in terms of text as I barely have time to do anything other than work, but hopefully I can give you some interesting pictures to look at. Let's start from the beginning, and I'll make each day a separate post.

On Sunday I went to Egypt on a freelance job assisting a film maker who's creating a film to promote Egypt as part of an exhibition. I'm here until Valentine's Day/Chinese New Year/14th of February, and what we're doing is going out each day to shoot as many locations as possible then coming back and backing up our video.

So, on Day 1 we went to Ibn Tulun Mosque, an extremely old mosque with amazing views of Cairo from the unique minaret with its distinctive spiral staircase. No photos of that, but quite a few of people's washing blowing in the breeze over a busy, dusty city.

Dust and laundry

The Citadel (See Day 2)

Mosque Courtyard

Cairo from the minaret

Shadow of the minaret

1 comment:

  1. Re. Dust and Laundry.

    Have they got enough satellite dishes in Cairo, Tom?
