Monday, 15 February 2010

Day 29 - Cairo - Consumerism and Art

Last Pyramids photo?

This was the sunset last night (Sunday), and it's possibly the last time I'll photograph the Pyramids. And there was a big smudge on the lens just above the one on the right. Yesterday we spent the day at the Mercedes-Benz factory just outside Cairo, filming the factory floor. We got some great industrial shots and interviewed the general manager, who was very welcoming.

That evening we went to City Stars shopping centre next to our hotel. 700 shops, restaurants and cinemas, the largest in the Middle East. Being in a Muslim country, most Egyptians don't go out drinking at night, they go shopping instead. The place was packed even at 10:30pm, but we got some interesting video clips out of it.


Today we went to the Nahdet Misr art gallery, where this tree provided a good backdrop for an interview with an artist. We also went to an art gallery at the opera house and interviewed Ayman El Semary and Riham El Sadany, two local artists.

Ayman El Semary's work. The Nile flows across a gallery wall.

This evening we went to Darb El Barabra, the light market. It's a long corridor of winding narrow street, with traders, shoppers, tourists, cats, mopeds, cars and vans all squeezing between the shops and pushing past each other. I'll leave you with these images, which should give you a bit of an idea of what it was like.

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